how can I turn this into something faster:
$.each(data, function(key, val)
rcItemsLi.eq(index++).append('<div class="rc-item-content clear hidden"><p class="rc-item-context">' + val[0] + '</p>' + val[1] + '</div>');
rcItemsContent = $('.rc-item-content');
in this example, I first append the elements to where I want, then I use .rc-item-content selector to "find" all the elements and store them in rcItemsContent variable.
for example:
$.each(data, function(key, val)
rcItemsContent.add($('<div class="rc-item-content clear hidden"><p class="rc-item-context">' + val[0] + '</p>' + val[1] + '</div>').appendTo(rcItemsLi.eq(index++)));
in this example, what I'm trying to achieve (which of course I don't), is to add / chain the element in the variable and append it to where I want at the same time.
creates a new collection.
rcItemsContent = rcItemsContent.add(...