I know some basic animation techniques for SVG
using both Javascript
and DOM <animate>
element. So I have created this SVG, but I can't figure it out how trigger the animation every x seconds without too much code. I tried begin="4s"
but it only wait the first time.
There is a DOM property like begin
or dur
, but to define an interval in seconds? Which is the better way to achieve this?
What I have tried:
<animateTransform attributeName="transform" additive="sum" attributeType="XML"
type="rotate" dur="1s" repeatCount="indefinite" from="0 54.2 43.3"
to="360 54.2 43.3" begin="3s" fill="freeze"/>
Complete example here: SVG Fiddle
<rect x="0" y="0" width="30" height="20" fill="#f83"/>
<animateTransform id="id1" attributeName="transform" additive="sum"
type="scale" calcMode="linear" begin="4;id1.end+4" dur="2" keyTimes="0;1"
values="1 1;2 2" fill="freeze" />
here animation begin is specified with relative to animation end, in this way your animation will always wait for your specified time(here 4 sec) and start playing again ...
try this, all the best
if you able to use id.end instead of id.end+some_clock_value then use keyTimes and values attribute correctly, replace your rotation animation with following animateTransform and see if you get the output you want,
<animateTransform id="id1" attributeName="transform" additive="sum"
type="rotate" calcMode="linear" begin="0" dur="4"
repeatCount="indefinite" keyTimes="0;0.75;1"
values="0 54.2 43.3 ; 0 54.2 43.3 ; 360 54.2 43.3" fill="freeze" />