The simple flow diagram of sitemesh (here) shows that they check whether its the first time the filter is being applied or not. I have seen this check in the code of other filters too. I am unable to understand a situation where the same filter can be applied twice for the same request. Please explain.
As of Servlet 2.4, filters can be applied to a request invoked via the request dispatcher also. If the filter is specified to run on includes, or forwards for example it could be executed multiple times. e.g.
<filter-name>Logging Filter</filter-name>
So, for example, when a request is handled by a servlet and that servlet forwards the request somewhere else
httpServletRequest.getRequestDispatcher("/products/somewhereElse").forward(httpServletRequest, httpServletResponse);
, then the filter may run twice. Once for the original request and then again for the forward providing the URL path and dispatcher configuration allows.