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Instantiation of a module in verilog

I am getting an error in instantiating a module in verilog file. I am instantiating like this:

module lab3(input clk,set,reset,plus,minus,start,button,output reg [3:0]led,output reg [6:0]y);

wire [3:0] indicesgu[3:0];
reg [1:0] going;
reg alsogoing,yes;

if (going==1 && alsogoing)
 up_counter up_0 
 indicesgu  ,
 indices    ,

and my up_counter module starts as:

module up_counter(input [3:0] indices_in [3:0],output [3:0]indices[3:0],output alsogoing);

reg [3:0]indices[3:0];
reg [2:0]current,setting;

when I try to compile in Xilinx, it says unexpected token up_counter. Thanks in advance.


  • There are several problems with your lab3 module.

    1. You need an endmodule at the end.
    2. You should not instantiate up_counter inside an if. Verilog does not support conditional instances like that.
    3. You need an opening paren after the instance name up_0.