I have two .NET parties who needs be bound by a contract. Now, party1 and party2 need to be able call some methods on each other (most of it is calls and reporting result back). I have duplex contract in mind, but the parties are not using WCF.
Is there a design pattern for this?
The parties are part of the same application. I create the application (party1) and someone else creates a dll (party2) that I load dynamically. Now, both of us should be able to call methods on each other. So, I am out to create an interface contract between us. The intent is to know whether there is a know pattern to do that?
A common solution is to use some kind of pub/sub pattern. By doing so you can avoid circular dependencies.
Basically you create some kind of class which are used to subscribe on events (and publish them).
So both your classes does something like this (but with different events):
public class ClassA : IEventHandler<UserCreated>
IEventManager _eventManager
public ClassA(IEventManager manager)
// I subscribe on this event (which is published by the other class)
_eventManager = manager;
public void Handle(UserCreated theEvent)
//gets invoked when the event is published by the other class
private void SomeInternalMethod()
//some business logic
//and I publish this event
_eventManager.Publish(new EmailSent(someFields));
The event manager (simplified and not thread safe):
public class EventManager
List<Subscriber> _subscribers = new List<Subscriber>();
public void Subscribe<T>(IEventHandler<T> subscriber)
_subscribers.Add(new Subscriber{ EventType = typeof(T), Subscriber = subscriber});
public void Publish<T>(T theEvent)
foreach (var wrapper in subscribers.Where(x => x == typeof(theEvent)))
The small wrapper:
public class Subscriber
public Type EventType;
public object Subscriber;
Voila. the two classes are now loosely coupled from each other (while still being able to communicate with each other)
If you use an inversion of control container it get's easier since you can simplify the event manager and just use the container (service location) to resolve all subscribers:
public class EventManager
IYourContainer _container;
public EventManager(IYourContainer container)
_container = container;
public void Publish<T>(T theEvent)
foreach (var subscriber in _container.ResolveAll<IEventHandler<T>>())