st = con.createStatement();
rs = st.executeQuery("select pf_nm from portfolio");
out.print(rs.getString(1)); //divide the result into multiple values
The result in above code may vary according to data fetched. Example of result is as below:
Google Facebook
Google Facebook Apple
If I understood your question and comment correctly then you can do something like this
ArrayList<String> cols = new ArrayList<String>();
// Do something..
Edit : What I understood from your previous question
String result = rs.getString(1); // gives "Google Facebook Apple AT&T" as result
String[] names = result.split("\\s"); // Split the line by whitespace
If you want you can also make use of ArrayList. You can also use hashMap if you required key values assoiciation (I am not sure thats what you want). Following are some useful links
2. How to use ArrayList in Java
Here is complete pseudo code for you.
public class StringSplit {
public static void main(String [] sm){
String str = "Google Facebook Apple AT&T";
// If you have more than one whitespace then better use \\s+
String[] names = str.split("\\s");
for(int i =0; i<names.length; i++){
System.out.println(i +" : " + names[i]);
I hope this helps you.