I am accessing an AD LDS via LDAP and VB.Net and can create and organize groups without any issue. However, whenever I try to create a user I get the above error that the specified directory object is not bound to a remote resource.
I've seen a few similar questions here on SO but those resolutions did not work for me. I get the same error when running any of the three blocks of code below:
Using System.DirectoryServices:
Dim rootEntry As DirectoryEntry = GetRootEntry()
Dim user As DirectoryEntry
Dim user_cn As String = String.Format("CN={0}{1}", firstName.Substring(0, 1), lastName)
Dim hosp_ou As String = BuildHospitalCN(HospitalName, HospitalID, "OU=Critical_Access_Hospitals")
user = rootEntry.Children.Find("OU=Users").Children.Find("OU=Critical_Access_Hospitals").Children.Find(hosp_ou).Children.Add(user_cn, "user")
With user
.Properties("sAMAccountName").Value = String.Format("{0}{1}", firstName.Substring(0, 1), lastName)
.Properties("givenName").Value = firstName
.Properties("sn").Value = lastName
End With
Using System.DirectoryServices.AccountManagement:
Dim ctx As New PrincipalContext(ContextType.Domain)
Dim user As New UserPrincipal(ctx, _
String.Format("{0}{1}", firstName.Substring(0, 1), lastName), _
"password", _
user.SamAccountName = String.Format("{0}{1}", firstName.Substring(0, 1), lastName)
user.GivenName = firstName
user.Surname = lastName
Using an example I found online specifically for AD LDS via LDAP:
Dim objADAM As DirectoryEntry
Dim objUser As DirectoryEntry
Dim strDisplayName As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim strUser As String
Dim strUserPrincipalName As String
strPath = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LDAP_ROOT").ToString
objADAM = New DirectoryEntry(strPath, _
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LDAP_USER"), _
ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("LDAP_PASS"), _
strUser = String.Format("CN={0}{1}", firstName.Substring(0, 1), lastName)
strDisplayName = String.Format("{0} {1}", firstName, lastName)
strUserPrincipalName = String.Format("{0}{1}@example.com", firstName.Substring(0, 1), lastName)
objUser = objADAM.Children.Add(strUser, "user")
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
sAMAccountName is not a valid attribute in this LDS repository.