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Hibernate could not locate named parameter even if it exist

Hibernate Keeps detecting

org.hibernate.QueryParameterException: could not locate named parameter [name]

even though it exist. here's my hql

Query query = sess().createQuery("from UserProfile where firstName LIKE '%:name%'").setParameter("name", name);

Why does hibernate keeps throwing that exception? even though the parameter exist?


  • Should be like this:

    Query query = sess().createQuery("from UserProfile where firstName LIKE :name")
                        .setParameter("name", "%"+name+"%");

    In your case ':name' is actual string Hibernate will search for. If you need to have a real named parameter, you need to have just :name.

    Thus % should be passed as a value of :name and Hibernate will substitute :name with actual value.

    Note, that if your value contains % and you want it to be an actual letter instead of wildcard, you'll have to escape it, here is an example of escaper-class.