I am using XPCOM to read/write file(s) on my hard drive (since Java is no longer supported on FF16,17,18,+ I have to use this). I use it in my FireFox extension(s) (I use iMacros). On this document click I found this example.
var string = '\u5909\u63db\u30c6\u30b9\u30c8';
file.create(file.NORMAL_FILE_TYPE, 0666);
var charset = 'EUC-JP';
var fileStream = Components
fileStream.init(file, 2, 0x200, false);
var converterStream = Components
converterStream.init(fileStream, charset, string.length,
So this code does the following. If file doesn't exist it creates it and saves the data in it. However if file does exists it will return error. If I comment that part of the code (and file exists) it will just overwrite the old data and put the new.
I need this code to create file, if it exists just move on without an error and save the data in the new line without overwriting.
Like this.
data11, data12, data13
data21, data22, data23
data11, data12, data13
data21, data22, data23
data31, data32, data33
data41, data42, data43
Try passing 18
as the second parameter when you init the output stream (instead of 2).
fileStream.init(file, 18, 0x200, false);
That adds the PR_APPEND
flag to the io mode parameter (it's 0x10
; the 2
is for PR_WRONLY