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Calculating information by using values from previous line

I have the current balance for each account and I need to subtract the netamount for transactions to create the previous month's end balance for the past 24 months. Below is a sample dataset;

create table txn_by_month (
memberid varchar(15)
,accountid varchar(15)
,effective_year varchar(4)
,effective_month varchar(2)
,balance money
,netamt money
,prev_mnthendbal money)

insert into txn_by_month values

As you can see I already have a table of all the transactions for each month totaled up. I just need to calculate the previous month end balance on the first line and bring it down to the second, third line etc. I have been trying to use CTEs, but am not overly familiar with them and seem to be stuck at the moment. This is what I have;

(SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY memberid order by(accountid)) AS Sequence
FROM txn_by_month)

select c1.memberid
,c2.prev_mnthendbal as prev_mnthendbal
COALESCE(c2.prev_mnthendbal, 0) - COALESCE(c1.netamt, 0) AS cur_mnthendbal
FROM CTEtest AS c1
ON c1.memberid = c2.memberid 
and c1.accountid = c2.accountid 
and c1.Sequence = c2.Sequence + 1

This is working only for the sequence = 2. I know that my issue is that I need to bring my cur_mnthendbal value down into the next line, but I can't seem to wrap my head around how. Do I need another CTE?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!

EDIT: Maybe I need to explain it better.... If I have this; enter image description here

The balance for line 2 would be the prev_mnthendbal from line 1 ($1,134.15). Then the prev_mnthendbal from line 2 would be the balance - netamt ($1,134.15 - (-$1,436) = $2,570.15). I have been trying to use CTEs, but I can't seem to figure out how to populate the balance field with the prev_mnthendbal from the previous line (since it isn't calculated until the balance is available). Maybe I can't use CTE? Do I need to use cursor?


  • Turns out that I needed to combine a running total with the sequential CTE I was using to begin with.

    with CTEtest AS
        (SELECT ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY memberid order by effective year, effective month desc) AS Sequence, *
        FROM txn_by_month)
    as (select * , balance - netamt as running_sum from CTEtest where sequence = 1
    union all
    select t.*, t1.running_sum - t.netamt from CTEtest t inner join test t1
    on t.memberid = t1.memberid and t.sequence = t1.Sequence+1 where t.sequence > 1)
    select * from test
    order by memberid, Sequence

    Hopefully this will help someone else in the future.