In Java, is it possible to override member data in a subclass and have that overridden version be the data used in a super class's implementation?
In other words, here's what I am trying to get to happen, and it's not happening:
abstract public class BasicStuff {
protected String[] stuff = { "Pizza", "Shoes" };
public void readStuff() {
for(String p : stuff) {
public class HardStuff extends BasicStuff {
protected String[] stuff = { "Harmonica", "Saxophone", "Particle Accelerator" };
This invocation:
HardStuff sf = new HardStuff();
... prints Pizza
and Shoes
. I want it to print the latter instead.
I recognise that this is rather poor hierarchical OO practice; I needed it for a very specific case as I am doing something with XML configuration and reflection.
Is there a modifier that can make this happen?
And yes, I do recognise that there are wrappers one can use to get around this problem in my subclass, i.e. by indicating that the contents of stuff[]
are now stored in an array with a different name, for instance. I'm just trying to keep this simple, and am curious in principle.
Thanks a lot in advance!
I believe you must interpose an accessor method, i.e., use:
for(String p : getStuff()) {
in the superclass, and add:
protected String[] getStuff() { return stuff; }
wherever you have a protected String[] stuff
Overriding really applies to methods, not data (at least, that is so in the Java model; some other languages do things differently), and so to get the override effect you must interpose a method (typically a dirt-simple accessor, like here). It doesn't really complicate things at all, it's just a very simple way to instruct the Java compiler to use, intrinsically, the "extra level of indirection" that your desired behavior requires.