I have this class called "Node". I've been considering renaming it "Tree", but either name makes about as much sense. This class implements a generic tree container. Each node can have any number of children. The basic header definition of the class is as follows:
template<class Elem>
class Node
Node(const Elem& value);
Node(const Node& rNode);
const Elem& operator*() const;
Elem& operator*();
Elem* operator->();
void operator=(const Elem& rhs);
Node* addChild(const Elem& value);
Node* addChild(Node childNode);
Node* addChild(Node* pChildNode);
HRESULT removeNode(DFSIterator<Node>& iter);
template <class Node, class List, class Iter> friend class DFSIterator;
bool hasChild() const;
Node* m_pParentNode;
Elem m_value;
std::vector<Node*> m_childList;
static std::set<Node*> sNodeSet;
The header definition of my DFSIterator is:
template<class Item,
class List = std::vector<Item*>,
class Iter = typename std::vector<Item*>::iterator>
class DFSIterator
DFSIterator(Item& rRootNode);
DFSIterator* begin();
DFSIterator* operator++();
Item& operator*() const;
Item* operator->() const;
bool operator!=(const DFSIterator& rhs) const;
bool isDone() const;
operator bool() const {return !isDone();}
template <class Node> friend class Node;
void initChildListIterator(Item* currentNode);
bool m_bIsDone;
Item* m_pRootNode;
Item* m_pCurrentNode;
ChildListIterator<Item>* m_pCurrentListIter;
std::map<Item*, ChildListIterator<Item, List, Iter>*> m_listMap;
is the iterator's alias for Node<Elem>
The problem I am having is that I want to define iterators for this tree that the user can declare in a similar way to STL containers. I was thinking that putting typedef statements like typedef DFSIterator<Node<Elem>> dfs_iterator;
would work fine. But whenever I add those statements into the header, I get the following error error C2512<Item>: no appropriate default constructor available.
Wherever I try to go and use it.
So right now, to declare an iterator I have to do something like DFSIterator<Node<DataMap>> dfsIter = rRootNode.begin();
or DFSIterator<Node<DataMap>> dfsIter(rNode);
if I don't want to start at the root node of the tree. What I want to be able to do is something more like Node<DataMap>::dfs_iterator it = rRootNode.begin()
. Is there a way to do this that I am missing?
Note: I do want to change a few other things about this implementation. I don't really want the user to be passing a node element to the addChild() method. I'd rather have the user pass an iterator that is pointing to a node.
If you define dfs_iterator inside Node, then you can use it basically like you describe:
template<class Elem>
class Node
typedef Node<Elem> Item;
class List = std::vector<Item*>,
class Iter = typename std::vector<Item*>::iterator
> class dfs_iterator;
template<class Elem>
template<class List, class Iter>
class Node<Elem>::dfs_iterator
and use
Node<DataMap>::dfs_iterator<> it = rRootNode.begin();
The only difference is that since dfs_iterator is a template, you have to specify the template parameters, even though they both can be defaulted.