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jQuery : slideDown() , slideUp() and stop()

I have a menu strip . I planned to :

  1. slideDown() a submenu ( originally display: none DIV ) when I mouse over the menu strip
  2. hide the submenu by slideUp when mouse out.

Here is the codes:

<div id="main_menu" onmouseover="$('#submenu').stop(true,false).slideDown();" onmouseout="$('#submenu').stop(true,false).slideUp();">Main Menu</div>
<div id="submenu" style="display: none">Some submenu contents here</div>

What I try to achieve is, when I mouseover submenu,the submenu holds and stop the mouse out ( the slideUp() animation. How can I achieve it ?

Note: given that the main_menu and sub_menu did not overlap.

UPDATE: here is the the jsFiddle


  • An easy way you can do is adding a parent dom, and binding the mouse event to it.


    <div id="menu">
        <div id="main_menu">Main Menu</div>
        <div id="submenu" style="display: none">Some submenu contents here</div>


    $('#menu').hover(function () {
        $('#submenu').stop(true, false).slideDown();
    function () {
        $('#submenu').stop(true, false).slideUp();

    here is jsfiddle demo.


    If you don't want to adding a parent dom, you can try putting submenu into main_menu as a child menu.

    I update your jsfiddle demo here

    I add 2 css attributes to #submenu to keep UI unchange.


    And here, I suggest use .hover() provided by jQuery.