I have a webpage which will dynamically load the next page when you scroll to the bottom, once the new page loads I want to be able to render all the Facebook like buttons that are new but not all the ones that have already been rendered.
I am at a bit of a loss as to where I have gone wrong with this and any help would be much appreciated, thanks.
Javascript code:
$('.fb-like:not(.fb_edge_widget_with_comment)').each(function(index, element) {
$(element).attr('id', 'ajax-fb-like');
Facebook like button code:
<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://url.com/" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="450" data-show-faces="true"></div>
You can change your like buttons to XFBML and use FB.parse()
to make your buttons dynamically.