I am using JPachube.jar and Matlab in order to send data to my datastream. This java code works on my machine:
package smartclassroom;
import Pachube.Data;
import Pachube.Feed;
//import Pachube.FeedFactory;
import Pachube.Pachube;
import Pachube.PachubeException;
public class SendFeed {
public static void main(String arsg[]) throws InterruptedException{
SendFeed s = new SendFeed(0.0);
double output = s.getZainteresovanost();
System.out.println("zainteresovanost " + output);
try {
Pachube p = new Pachube("MYAPIKEY");
Feed f = p.getFeed(MYFEED);
f.updateDatastream(0, output);
} catch (PachubeException e) {
private double zainteresovanost;
public SendFeed(double vrednost) {
zainteresovanost = vrednost;
public void setZainteresovanost(double vrednost) {
zainteresovanost = vrednost;
public double getZainteresovanost() {
return zainteresovanost;
but I need to do this from Matlab. I have tried rewriting example (example from link is working on my machine): I have compile java class with javac and added JPachube.jar and SendFeed.class into path and then utilize this code in Matlab:
pachubeValue = SendFeed(0.42);
I get an error:
??? Error using ==> javaMethod
No class SendFeed can be located on Java class path
Error in ==> post_to_pachube2 at 6
This is strange because, as I said example from the link is working.
Afterwards, I decided to include JPachube directly in Matlab code and to write equivalent code in Matlab:
import Pachube.Data.*
import Pachube.Feed.*
import Pachube.Pachube.*
import Pachube.PachubeException.*
pachube = Pachube.Pachube('MYAPIKEY');
feed = pachube.getFeed(MYFEED);
feed.updateDatastream(0, 0.54);
And I get this error:
??? No method 'updateDatastream' with matching signature found for class 'Pachube.Feed'.
Error in ==> post_to_pachube2 at 12
feed.updateDatastream(0, 0.54);
So I have tried almost everything and nothing! Any method making this work will be fine for me. Thanks for help in advance!
This done trick for me (answer from here)
import org.apache.http.impl.client.DefaultHttpClient
import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost
import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity
httpclient = DefaultHttpClient();
httppost = HttpPost('http://api.cosm.com/v2/feeds/FEEDID/datastreams/0.csv?_method=put');
params = StringEntity('0.7');
response = httpclient.execute(httppost);