So I have a QraphicsScene with a QGraphicsPolygonItem , which I flag as movable. And I also override the MousePressEvent. My code snippet tll now.
def mousePressEvent(self , e):
self.endx = e.x()
self.endy = e.y()
if self.sender == 1:
self.LineChange(self.endx , self.endy)
def CreateFun(self):
poly = QtGui.QPolygonF([QtCore.QPointF(100 , 100) , QtCore.QPointF(100 , 200) , QtCore.QPointF(200 , 200)])
self.polygon = QtGui.QGraphicsPolygonItem(poly)
However the polygon isn't moving . And when I comment out the MousePressEvent , it moves fine . My guess is that the MousePressEvent , catches it before the PolygonItem does.
And the above functions are from a class inherited from QtGui.QGraphicsView. Any suggestions?
You should call the base implementation for the mousePressEvent
. QGraphicsView
normally passes these clicks to other items that might use them. If you don't call the base implementation you're basically 'trapping' the click.
Modify your mousePressEvent
as following:
def mousePressEvent(self , e):
self.endx = e.x()
self.endy = e.y()
if self.sender == 1:
self.LineChange(self.endx , self.endy)
# let the base implementation do its thing
super(Palette, self).mousePressEvent(e)