Below is an example of the input I am dealing with:
A linkedHashMap with String,Double as parameters
NumericMap: { p=20.0, r=5.0, i=2.0}
And file input:
p = i * i * r
What I now need to do is take the file input and store it in the program as a data structure that allows duplicates and maintains the order of the items from the file, based on insertion. From there I need to be able to apply the doubles in the relevant order into the file input, resulting in:
20 = 2 * 2 * 5
From here I need to say:
If(the file input structure .contains("*"){
Double1 = the double in front of the *
Double2 = the double after the *
Answer1 = Double1 * Double2
So far I have managed to achieve all of this by putting the file input into a linkedHashMap as well, but linkedHashMaps do not allow for duplicate entries. Someone suggested to me to use a multiMap like so:
Multimap map = ArrayListMultimap.create();
map.put(key, value1);
map.put(key, value2);
List values = map.get(key);
But unfortunately this just returns errors. I have also attempted to do this with arrayLists, but obviously arrayLists do not maintain there order once adjusted.
Any ideas on what I can use for my file input to obtain all of the above and how I should go about doing it.
You can code your own multiple map class. Here is one of the implementation:
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.LinkedList;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Map;
public class MultiMap<K, V> {
Map<K, List<V>> map = new HashMap<K, List<V>>();
public void put(K key, V value) {
List<V> values = null;
if(!map.containsKey(key)) {
values = new LinkedList<V>();
map.put(key, values);
} else {
values = map.get(key);
assert(values != null);
public List<V> get(K key) {
return map.get(key);