I just read this tutorial: http://rmurphey.com/blog/2009/10/15/using-objects-to-organize-your-code/
Im trying to setup a function in object literal format (to be common and reusable). But I cant seem to get it working? Anyone see issues with my code?
// Generic Email Signup via Bronto
var emailSignup = {
'config' : {
// Configurable Options
'container' : $('#email-signup'),
'emailButton' : $('#email-submit'),
'emailErrorContainer' : $('#email-error'),
'emailInput' : $('#mail-signup-input'),
'brontoDirectAddURL' : 'http://app.bronto.com/public/?q=direct_add&fn=Public_DirectAddForm&id=cczmcguxestyqabxqmbvwznavplrbom&email=',
'brontoListID' : '0bbc03ec000000000000000000000003287b',
// configurable function for getting
// a URL for loading item content
'init' : function(config) {
// stays the same
// provide for custom configuration via init()
if (config && typeof(config) == 'object') {
$.extend(emailSignup.config, config);
// create and/or cache some DOM elements
// we'll want to use throughout the code
emailSignup.$container = emailSignup.config.container;
emailSignup.$errorContainer = emailSignup.config.emailErrorContainer;
emailSignup.$button = emailSignup.config.emailButton;
emailSignup.$input = emailSignup.config.emailInput;
// Add email track to drop image pixel into for submission
emailSignup.$errorContainer.append('<div class="track"></div>');
// Call getEmail
// make a note that the initialization
// is complete; we don't strictly need this
// for this iteration, but it can come in handy
emailSignup.initialized = true;
'getEmail' : function($button) {
// click event
console.log('test click');
'validateEmail' : function() {
var $emailRegEx = /^([\w-\.]+@([\w-]+\.)+[\w-]{2,4})?$/;
var $emailVal = emailSignup.$input.val();
'submitEmail' : function($emailVal) {
$(".track").html('<img src="http://app.bronto.com/public/?q=direct_add&fn=Public_DirectAddForm&id=cczmcguxestyqabxqmbvwznavplrbom&email=' + email + '&list1=0bbc03ec000000000000000000000003287b" width="0" height="0" border="0" alt=""/>');
$(document).ready(function() {
emailSignup.init({ 'emailInput' : '#email-input' });
Nevermind, it seems to be working fine.