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rExcel getarraytovba size limit

I've got some R code that returns a matrix that is 12 columns wide with over 1M rows. When I try to use getarraytovba to return that matrix into a VBA variant, it fails. When I say it fails I mean that it runs the code without generating any errors but the VBA variable will be empty. If I shrink the R matrix to below 5000 rows then VBA will capture the variable. If it is between 5000 and 20000 (ball park) then sometimes it will work and sometimes it won't. My system has 16GBs of ram and is only 40% utilized when I'm attempting to move the data to VBA. The memory usage doesn't seem to change as I have task manager open as I'm running the code.

I've googled the subject and the only answer I've found is that it is limited by physical memory but since I have nearly 10GB of free memory I think there is more to it than just that. Can anyone help me shed light on why getarraytovba is so limiting?


  • I wrote the following in VBA to address the shortcoming...

    Public Function returnresults()
    Dim lResultsize As Long
    Dim sBigblock As Variant
    Dim lLow As Long
    Dim lHigh As Long
    Dim vTemp As Variant
    Dim i As Long
    Dim j As Long
    Dim lBigrow As Long
    Dim lFullresults As Long
    rinterface.RRun "abc<-length(vbaget[,1])"
    lFullresults = rinterface.GetRExpressionValueToVBA("abc")
    lResultsize = lFullresults
    If lResultsize > 1048575 Then
    MsgBox "Results exceed 1,048,575 rows.  Excess will be dropped."
    lResultsize = 1048575
    End If
    sBigblock = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("results").Range("a2:m" & lResultsize + 1)
    lHigh = lResultsize
    lLow = 1
    If lResultsize > 3000 Then lHigh = 3000
    lBigrow = 1
    Do While lHigh <= lResultsize And lLow < lHigh
        rinterface.RRun "temp<-vbaget[" & lLow & ":" & lHigh & ",]"
        vTemp = rinterface.GetArrayToVBA("temp")
            For i = 0 To UBound(vTemp, 1)
                For j = 1 To 13 'This is number of columns in array it could be dynamic
                    sBigblock(lBigrow, j) = vTemp(i, j - 1)
                Next j
                lBigrow = lBigrow + 1
            Next i
        lLow = lHigh + 1
        lHigh = lLow + 2999
        If lHigh > lResultsize Then lHigh = lResultsize
    ThisWorkbook.Sheets("results").Range("a2:m" & lResultsize + 1) = sBigblock
    End Function