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How do I position shapes on the Z dimension with JavaFX

I'm looking at creating a simple maze game to explore the current 3d capabilities of JavaFX 2 (the version with Java 7).

I can position and rotate rectangles for walls but I can't seem to position on the Z dimension.

See code below. The green wall is in the middle of the left and right walls - how do I move it the the back? Note there is no z() builder property.

public final class Walls extends Application {

    public static void main(String[] args) {

    public void start(Stage stage) {
        stage.setTitle("Walls in perspective");

    private Scene makeScene() {
        return SceneBuilder.create()

    private Parent createRoot() {
        // left wall
        Rectangle node1 = RectangleBuilder.create()

        // back wall?
        Rectangle node2 = RectangleBuilder.create()

        // right wall
        Rectangle node3 = RectangleBuilder.create()


        return GroupBuilder.create()
                .children(node1, node2, node3)
                //.depthTest() ?


  • I believe that calling additional

    .translateZ(double x)

    on your created Rectangle will fix the problem.