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Extract all email addresses from bulk text using jquery

I'm having the this text below:

[email protected], "assdsdf" <[email protected]>, "rodnsdfald ferdfnson" <[email protected]>, "Affdmdol Gondfgale" <[email protected]>, "truform techno" <[email protected]>, "NiTsdfeSh ThIdfsKaRe" <[email protected]>, "akasdfsh kasdfstla" <[email protected]>, "Bisdsdfamal Prakaasdsh" <[email protected]>,; "milisdfsfnd ansdfasdfnsftwar" <[email protected]>

Here emails are seprated by , or ;. I want to extract all emails present above and store them in array. Is there any easy way using regex to get all emails directly?


  • Here's how you can approach this:


    <p id="emails"></p>


    var text = '[email protected], "assdsdf" <[email protected]>, "rodnsdfald ferdfnson" <[email protected]>, "Affdmdol Gondfgale" <[email protected]>, "truform techno" <[email protected]>, "NiTsdfeSh ThIdfsKaRe" <[email protected]>, "akasdfsh kasdfstla" <[email protected]>, "Bisdsdfamal Prakaasdsh" <[email protected]>,; "milisdfsfnd ansdfasdfnsftwar" <[email protected]> datum eternus [email protected]';    
    function extractEmails (text)
        return text.match(/([a-zA-Z0-9._+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+\.[a-zA-Z0-9._-]+)/gi);


    [email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected],[email protected]

    Source: Extract email from bulk text (with Regular Expressions, JavaScript & jQuery)

    Demo 1 Here

    Demo 2 Here using jQuery's each iterator function