It is possible to add proxy capabilities to an already generated and not empty object using Castle Dynamic Proxy?
I've tried this:
Dog _myDog=new Dog();
var _proxyDog = generator.CreateClassProxyWithTarget<Dog>(_myDog, ProxyGenerationOptions.Default, new DogInterceptor());
results as a new object.
Now this is only an example, in real world application my object has 30+ properties and I want to know if I can avoid to copy those props one by one!
Yes it is. The only problem: ProxyGenerator needs to instantiate an object of that type anyway. This code is actually working correctly in my project:
public static class MongoExtensions
static readonly ProxyGenerator pg = new ProxyGenerator();
public static MongoCollection GetRetryCollection(this MongoDatabase db, string collectionName, int retryCount = 5, int pauseBetweenRetries = 2000)
var coll = db.GetCollection(collectionName);
return (MongoCollection)pg.CreateClassProxyWithTarget(typeof(MongoCollection), coll, new object[] { db, collectionName, coll.Settings }, new RetryingInterceptor { RetryCount = retryCount, PauseBetweenCalls = pauseBetweenRetries });
Paramerts of CreateClassProxyWithTarget are:
I can't really explain, why it need constructor parameters for the object, but this code work correctly for me.