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jQuery capture enter key and prevent default

Referring to the answer here: How to use TinyMCE functions on text without actually selecting that text?

I've realized that

$('#TAID_ifr').contents().find('html').bind('keypress', function(e){return false;});

doesn't work for the enter key. When a user hits "enter", a newline is formed. But for all other keys, the code works as expected, i.e. nothing happens. Does enter require some special treatment? I added the code below but it didn't make a difference:

            var code = e.keyCode || e.which;
                if (code == 13) e.preventDefault();

What's wrong? I don't want a new line to be inserted when a user hits "enter", I want nothing to happen.


Does this not work because the enter key is pressed inside an iframe?


  • Yes, this is possible. Tinymce uses its own event management. There is a tinymce event called onKeyDown. Using the setup configuration parameter you may use this event:

    // Adds an observer to the onKeyDown event using tinyMCE.init
       setup : function(ed) {
          ed.onKeyDown.add(function(ed, event) {
              if (event.keyCode == 13)  {
                  return false;

    Be aware that several statements are used here to stop the propagation of code due to the fact that the implementation in different browsers differs.