I am having a problem using the Procyon libraries with AVR Studio 6. For now I am attempting to use the timer.h library.
I have included the Procyon file as a directory by including it in AVRProject Properties/toolchain/Compiler/Directories.
So I have a project, and i include the timer.h and global.h files. Since doing the above step errors about missing include files have stopped.
Now I am finding that the compiler doesn't recognize any of the functions from timer.h, ie setPWMAon()
Does anyone know why this is happening? Is there a tutorial showing successful set up and use of Procyon libraries with AVR Studio 6?
EDIT: I have also tried to include the header files individually and have them in the file path. But then i get a bunch of errors about the macros in the libraries saying they are poisoned. As well as some undefined variables.
Have you tried adding the directory with the header files you want to use, into the directory of your project,and then call it into your program like this?
#include "(name_of_dir_with_header_files)/timer.h"