I am doing a homework that requires me to write a function that takes a long value and returns with its bytes in reverse order in C, the prototype for the function is given, which is
long swapLong(long x)
and my code looks like this :
long swapLong(long in)
long out;
char *inp = (char *) &in ;
char *outp = (char *) &out;
int i=0;
for (i=0; i<8 ;i++)
outp[i] = inp[7-i];
return out;
if the input of the function is 0x1122334455667788
it should return 0x8877665544332211
however, when i test it with
long test2 = 0x1122334455667788;
long result2= swapLong(test2);
printf("0x %lx\n", test2);
printf("0x %lx\n", result2);
the result is 0x44332211
it seems like the function only swaps the first half oh the input and I don't know what happens to the second half
I have write another function called " int swapInt( int x) ", using similar idea with swapLong() and it works great.... so I dont know what did I do wrong for swapLong()
You might like to use sizeof(long)
instead of 8
size_t i;
size_t sizeLong = sizeof(long);
for (i=0; i<sizeLong ;i++)
outp[i] = inp[sizeLong-i-1];