I have a Java code that transfers file from FTP on Mainframe to my local system . The problem is how do I tell if the given path is a file or folder ? I cannot use the check for extensions as i don't know what the possible extensions can be . Also the following code always returns false ,
Being a mainframe filesystem , the path is seperated by .
instead of /
and hence a check for .
at the end also doesnt work.
Again I stream data from the input path to output location using
url="connection url of the mainframe"
bufferedInputStream = new BufferedInputStream(url.getInputStream());
When I have files at the source path , it writes the content of the file to the destination , and when the source path has a directory it writes the the names and other properties of the files at the directory to the destination.
Sample output when the source is a directory is
Name VV.MM Created Changed Size Init Mod Id
QQQQ 01.00 2009/12/18 2009/12/18 12:15 18 18 0 XXXX
RRRR 01.00 2009/12/18 2009/12/18 12:16 19 19 0 XXXXX
How do I determine if the source path is a file or folder ?
I found a way to determine if the path on mainframe is a file or PDS (analogically a directory ) . I used org.apache.hadoop.fs.ftp.FTPFileSystem
library and the following snippet would work by returning the list of files .
FTPFile[] files = ftp.listFiles();
Looping through the files
and checking file1.isFile()
would suffice.
Again remember to change to the current working directory before listing the files using ftp.cwd(inputPath);
For an explanation on Mainframe file system please refer to Bruce Martin's answer and the comments that follow. .