I want to hide the labels. I believe it is something to do with the option bubble.textStyle
and setting the color to none
but I can't figure it out.
Bubble <- gvisBubbleChart(Fruits, idvar="Fruit", xvar="Sales", yvar="Expenses",
colorvar="Year", sizevar="Profit",
options=list(hAxis='{minValue:75, maxValue:125}',
width=500, height=300))
The tricky thing is that it's a JSON object inside a JSON object. First you use bubble="{}
to create the first JSON object and then textStyle:{}
to create the next JSON object inside bubble="{}
Here is my code and a screenshot,
# install.packages("googleVis", dependencies = TRUE)
Bubble <- gvisBubbleChart(Fruits, idvar="Fruit", xvar="Sales", yvar="Expenses",
colorvar="Year", sizevar="Profit",
options=list(hAxis='{minValue:75, maxValue:125}',
width=500, height=300),
bubble="{textStyle:{color: 'none', fontName:
<global-font-name>, fontSize: