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Writing a function to find the median, of a vector of ints

I am trying to write a second function to calculate a vector of integers which is in the main function. My vector is set up like this.

int inputinfo;
cout << "\nPlease enter in scores: ";
cout << "\nEnd your input with ctrl-z\n";
vector<int> scores;
    while (cin >> inputinfo)

Here is my median equation (which I am not sure is working right). I would like to make a function for median and then call it back to the main function to find the median of the vector.

  double median;
  size_t size = scores.size();

  sort(scores.begin(), scores.end());

  if (size  % TWO == 0)
      median = (scores[size / 2 - 1] + scores[size / 2]) / 2;
      median = scores[size / 2];

Thanks for any help.


  • Check whether your code fails if thee is none or only one number in the vector. You can fix this using

    if (size==0) throw "Vector empty";
    if (size==1) return scores[0];

    before the if (size % TWO == 0) line.