I have such html
<div class='mydiv expanded' id='1'>aaa</div>
<div class='mydiv ' id='2'>bbb</div>
<div class='mydiv ' id='3'>ccc</div>
<div class='mydiv ' id='4'>ddd</div>
and two functions:
function collapse(){
function expand(itemid){
From some other function I call
collapse() //i want to remove all classes "expanded"
expand(3) //i wand to add class "expanded" to an element with id 3
how can I call theese functions one after other - first collapse, then expand.
I have looked on deffered and $.when.then methods, but as I understood they ment to use with ajax calls...
JavaScript is interpreted and executed line-by-line. Just call your methods out in the order you want them to happen.
$.when.then is needed when working with events, such as DOM or AJAX.