I want to update the <title>
tag for the page whenever the location (route) changes. I'm particularly interested in observing App.Router
's current route changing - I then want to access the View associated with that route and update the <title>
tag from the observer based on a property of the View.
For example, if going to /about
property or equivalent to observe.App.AboutView
associated with the route?I'm using 1.0.0pre4
My goal is to have a title
property and an authorization
property on each View that the Observer on currentPath
will work with. I want to use the title
property to update the document.title
, and the authorization
property object to check wither my current user can access the route.
Now that I say this and with @Michael Grassotti's answer, perhaps these properties belong on the Controller and not the View. The goal is to gain access to these properties associated with the current Route's context to modify the document.title
and check whether or not my App.CurrentUserController
(that stores a User
object model for the logged in user) is authorized to acess the current route.
So the properties I'm trying to work with belong on the Controller for the route, not the View.
Given some contactUs
route, it's Controller might look like
App.ContactUsController = App.AppController.extend({
title: "Contact Us"
My App.ApplicationController
can now look like
App.ApplicationController = Ember.Controller.extend({
updateTitle: function() {
window.document.title = this.controllerFor(this.currentPath).get('title');
So the API methods/properties I was looking for are
(currently appears to be undocumented on the site)controllerFor
(also seems undocumented, but is found within a reopen
implementation for Ember.ControllerMixin