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Adding 1 InnoDB table to a DB full of MyISAM tables (effects)

We have a database full of MyISAM tables. The thing is that we need transactions on just 1 table, called payments My question is, will that work? I mean by changing the engine of that table to InnoDB and using transactions on php, will that do the work? or do i have to mess around and do more than just that? Will that affect my db in anyway? The table is isolated, it doesn't have foreign keys since MyISAM doesn't support them.

Ty in advance.


  • As documented under Storage Engines:

    It is important to remember that you are not restricted to using the same storage engine for an entire server or schema: you can use a different storage engine for each table in your schema.

    So yes, your proposal will work (provided that you only wish to attain ACID compliance on the payments table, of course).