This is a valid query to return emails surrounded by single quotes from the users table.
SELECT '''' +email + '''' as email
FROM users
where fname = @fname
Yet when I try to do this in a cfscript (cf9) query like this :
var q = new Query(datasource="warewithal");
q.setSQL("SELECT '''' +email + '''' as email
FROM users where firstName= :firstName ");
q.addParam(name="firstName", value=trim(firstName), cfsqltype="cf_sql_varchar");
what I end up with is
when I expected (and get by running the query in an analyzer)
the cfscript is doing a perserveSingleQuote and not letting me add the single quote to the output.
Is this a bug or what am I doing wrong?
To answer the question in your headline: no, this is not a bug in CFScript. What you are demonstrating has nothing to do with CFScript at all.
However to answer the question you mean to be asking: yes, you have found a bug in Query.cfc.
Here's some code that demonstrates the bug (and demonstrates that it has nothing to do with CFScript, and everything to do with Query.cfc).
This code works fine:
<cfset query = new Query(datasource="scratch_mssql")>
<cfset query.setSql("
SELECT '''' + email + '''' as email
FROM users
WHERE firstName = '#firstName#'
<cfset emailAddresses = query.execute().getResult()>
<cfdump var="#emailAddresses#">
Note that I have hard-coded the filter value into the SQL string. Yuck.
This code errors:
<cfset query = new Query(datasource="scratch_mssql")>
<cfset query.setSql("
SELECT '''' + email + '''' as email
FROM users
WHERE firstName = :firstname
<cfset query.addParam(name="firstname", value=firstName, cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR")>
<cfset emailAddresses = query.execute().getResult()>
<cfdump var="#emailAddresses#">
The error for me is:
[Macromedia][SQLServer JDBC Driver][SQLServer]An object or column name is missing or empty.
For SELECT INTO statements, verify each column has a name. For other statements,
look for empty alias names. Aliases defined as "" or [] are not allowed. Change the alias to a valid name.
FYI: The SQL that CF had passed to the DB was:
SELECT '' '' + email + '' '' as email FROM users WHERE firstName = (param 1)
To prove that it's caused by ColdFusion mishandling your single quotes, this works:
<cfset query = new Query(datasource="scratch_mssql")>
<cfset query.setSql("
SELECT email as email
FROM users
WHERE firstName = :firstname
<cfset query.addParam(name="firstname", value=firstName, cfsqltype="CF_SQL_VARCHAR")>
<cfset emailAddresses = query.execute().getResult()>
<cfdump var="#emailAddresses#">
So I'd raise a bug for this if I was you. Note: it's the same on CF9.0.2 and CF10.0.7
But, equally... if I was you I'd not be putting those quotes in there anyhow. Unless there's a very good reason, stick 'em in when you're doing the display, not when you're doing the data processing. I presume they're there for display purposes?