Drop Down menus are a common and almost ubiquitous UI element, and yet, I find it really hard to "pick one". before heading down the long road of rolling and "battle testing" my own, I'd like to put it out there and find out what others are using.
What are the most popular solutions for jquery, or javascript dropdown menus ?
Should be, lightweight, easy to customise and properly cross browser compatible, and at least function appropriately down to IE8.
Ones I've tried and used in the past with the best experience that meet this criteria inlcude :
To Clarify: looking specifically for multilevel drop down menus similar to the examples above. I'm also open to "avoid these they're sh*t" type answers if you feel so inclined.
PS: please avoid adding 5 from one of the 500 drop down menu articles that appear when first searching on google, I'd like to know about what YOU"RE using, what dropdown menus YOU love and hate.
After a fair amount of research and messing about, quite honestly I'm fairly disappointed with the options in this area there are a couple options but as commented above rolling my own seems to be the best way forward.