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JPA Criteria select all instances with max values in their groups

Is there a way to write with JPA 2 CriteriaBuilder the equivalent of the following query?

select * from season s1
where end = (
    select max(end)
    from season s2
    where s1.contest_id=s2.contest_id

In JPQL this query is:

Select s1 from Season s1 
where s1.end = (
    select max(s2.end)
    from Season s2
    where s1.contest=s2.contest


  • This should work, with contest being either a basic Integer property, or a ManyToOne property pointing to another non-basic Entity.

    EntityManger em;      //to be injected or constructed
    CriteriaBuilder cb = em.getCriteriaBuilder();
    CriteriaQuery<Season> cq = cb.createQuery(Season.class);
    Subquery<Date> sq = cq.subquery(Date.class);
    Root<Season> s1 = cq.from(Season.class);
    Root<Season> s2 = sq.from(Season.class);;
    sq.where(cb.equal(s2.get(Season_.contest), s1.get(Season_.contest)));
    cq.where(cb.equal(s1.get(Season_.end), sq));
    List<Season> result = em.createQuery(cq).getResultList();