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Polygon Touch detection Google Map API V2

I'm trying to figure out how best to do this, I have a map with one Polygon drawn on it. Since it doesn't seem as though the Google Maps API V2 has a touch detection on a Polygon. I was wonder if it is possible to detect whether the touch point is inside the Polygon? If so then how, my main goal is to outline a state on a map and when the user taps that state it will show more details inside a custom view. As of now I am able to capture the MapOnClick of the map but when the user taps inside the Polygon I want the polygon.getID() set on the Toast. I am a newbie so I apologize if I am not clear enough.

googleMap.setOnMapClickListener(new OnMapClickListener() 
        public void onMapClick(LatLng point) 
        boolean checkPoly = true;

        Toast.makeText(MainActivity.this,"The Location is outside of the Area", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();
   catch (Exception e) {
         Log.e("APP","Failed", e);

Ok this is what I have semi-working so far

    private boolean rayCastIntersect(LatLng tap, LatLng vertA, LatLng vertB) {

    double aY = vertA.latitude;
    double bY = vertB.latitude;
    double aX = vertA.longitude;
    double bX = vertB.longitude;
    double pY = tap.latitude;
    double pX = tap.longitude;
     if (aY > bY) {
            aX = vertB.longitude;
            aY = vertB.latitude;
            bX = vertA.longitude;
            bX = vertA.latitude;
    System.out.println("aY: "+aY+" aX : "+aX);
    System.out.println("bY: "+bY+" bX : "+bX);

     if (pX < 0) pX += 360;
        if (aX < 0) aX += 360;
        if (bX < 0) bX += 360;

        if (pY == aY || pY == bY) pY += 0.00000001;
        if ((pY > bY || pY < aY) || (pX > Math.max(aX, bX))) return false;
        if (pX < Math.min(aX, bX))

            return true;
//  }

    double m = (aX != bX) ? ((bY - aY) / (bX - aX)) : aX;
    double bee = (aX != pX) ? ((pY - aY) / (pX - aX)) : aX;
    double x = (pY - bee) / m;

    return x > pX;


The issue that I am having is the touch is true to the left of each polygon until it reaches another one. What's wrong with my algorithm that would cause this issue? Any help would be appreciated.


  • The problem you're trying to solve is the Point in Polygon test.

    To help visualize the concept of Ray Casting:

    Draw a Polygon on a piece of paper. Then, starting at any random point, draw a straight line to the right of the page. If your line intersected with your polygon an odd number of times, this means your starting point was inside the Polygon.

    So, how do you do that in code?

    Your polygon is comprised of a list of vertices: ArrayList<Geopoint> vertices. You need to look at each Line Segment individually, and see if your Ray intersects it

    private boolean isPointInPolygon(Geopoint tap, ArrayList<Geopoint> vertices) {
        int intersectCount = 0;
        for(int j=0; j<vertices.size()-1; j++) {
            if( rayCastIntersect(tap, vertices.get(j), vertices.get(j+1)) ) {
        return (intersectCount%2) == 1); // odd = inside, even = outside;
    private boolean rayCastIntersect(Geopoint tap, Geopoint vertA, Geopoint vertB) {
        double aY = vertA.getLatitude();
        double bY = vertB.getLatitude();
        double aX = vertA.getLongitude();
        double bX = vertB.getLongitude();
        double pY = tap.getLatitude();
        double pX = tap.getLongitude();
        if ( (aY>pY && bY>pY) || (aY<pY && bY<pY) || (aX<pX && bX<pX) ) {
            return false; // a and b can't both be above or below pt.y, and a or b must be east of pt.x
        double m = (aY-bY) / (aX-bX);               // Rise over run
        double bee = (-aX) * m + aY;                // y = mx + b
        double x = (pY - bee) / m;                  // algebra is neat!
        return x > pX;