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Dynamic scrolling in combobox ext 4.0

I am using extjs 4.0 and having a combobox with queryMode 'remote'. I fill it with data from server. The problem is that the number of records from server is too large, so I thought it would be better to load them by parts. I know there is a standart paginator tool for combobox, but it is not convinient because needs total number of records.

Is there any way to add dynamic scrolling for combobox? When scrolling to the bottom of the list I want to send request for the next part of records and add them to the list. I can not find appropriate listener to do this.


  • The following is my solution for infinite scrolling for combobox, Extjs 4.0

    Ext.define('TestProject.testselect', {
        alias: ['widget.testselect'],
        requires: ['Ext.selection.Model', ''],
         * This will contain scroll position when user reaches the bottom of the list 
         * and the store begins to upload data
        beforeRefreshScrollTop: 0,
         * This will be changed to true, when there will be no more records to upload
         * to combobox
        isStoreEndReached : false,
         * The main thing. When creating picker, we add scroll listener on list dom element.
         * Also add listener on load mask - after load mask is hidden we set scroll into position 
         * that it was before new items were loaded to list. This prevents 'jumping' of the scroll.
        createPicker: function() {
            var me = this,
            picker = me.callParent(arguments);
            me.mon(picker, {
                'render' : function() {
                    Ext.get(picker.getTargetEl().id).on('scroll', me.onScroll, me);
                    me.mon(picker.loadMask, {
                       'hide' : function() {
                          Ext.get( + '-listEl').scroll("down", me.beforeRefreshScrollTop, false);
                       scope: me
                scope: me
            return picker;
         * Method which is called when user scrolls the list. Checks if the bottom of the 
         * list is reached. If so - sends 'nextPage' request to store and checks if 
         * any records were received. If not - then there is no more records to load, and 
         * from now on if user will reach the bottom of the list, no request will be sent.
        onScroll: function(){
            var me = this,
            parentElement = Ext.get(me.picker.getTargetEl().id),
            parentElementTop = parentElement.getScroll().top,
            scrollingList = Ext.get('-items');
            if(scrollingList != undefined) {
                if(!me.isStoreEndReached && parentElementTop >= scrollingList.getHeight() - parentElement.getHeight()) {
                    var multiselectStore = me.getStore(),
                    beforeRequestCount = multiselectStore.getCount();
                    me.beforeRefreshScrollTop = parentElementTop;
                        params: this.getParams(this.lastQuery),
                        callback: function() {
                                me.isStoreEndReached = !(multiselectStore.getCount() - beforeRequestCount > 0);
         * Took this method from Ext.form.field.Picker to collapse only if 
         * loading finished. This solve problem when user scrolls while large data is loading.
         * Whithout this the list will close before finishing update.
        collapse: function() {
            var me = this;
            if(!me.getStore().loading) {
         * Reset scroll and current page of the store when loading all profiles again (clicking on trigger)
        doRawQuery: function() {
            var me = this;
            me.beforeRefreshScrollTop = 0;
            me.getStore().currentPage = 0;
            me.isStoreEndReached = false;

    When creating element, should be passed id to the listConfig, also I pass template for list, because I need it to be with id. I didn't find out more elegant way to do this. I appreciate any advice.

                        id: 'testcombo-multiselect',
                        xtype: 'testselect',
                        store: Ext.create('TestProject.testStore'),
                        queryMode: 'remote',
                        queryParam: 'keyword',
                        valueField: 'profileToken',
                        displayField: 'profileToken',
                        tpl: Ext.create('Ext.XTemplate',
                            '<ul id="ds-profiles-boundlist-items"><tpl for=".">',
                                '<li role="option" class="' + Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'boundlist-item' + '">',
                        listConfig: {
                            id: 'testcombo-boundlist'

    And the store:

        extend: '',
        storeId: 'teststore',
        model: 'TestProject.testModel',
        pageSize: 13, //the bulk of records to receive after each upload
        currentPage: 0, //server side works with page numeration starting with zero
        proxy: {
            type: 'rest',
            url: serverurl,
            reader: 'json'
        clearOnPageLoad: false //to prevent replacing list items with new uploaded items