Do you know how I could update an entity in WCF Data Services with OData syntax without the key property of the entity.
For example, an entity:
public class Product
public int Id { get; set; }
public string Reference { get; set; }
I would like to make this request:
PUT myservice.svc/Product('REFXX')
with 'REFXXX' corresponding do the Reference property (which is unique).
Any idea?
I wrote a IDispatchMessageInspector, parse the url and replace the match element in the request parameter with a correct syntax and the real key. I know that the key is not the real "Key" with a specific user agent or with the syntax Service.svc/Entity(SecondaryKey=value), which is used normally for multiple pk's.
so in the method AfterReceiveRequest the process is:
change the match element of the request with Service.svc/Entity(PKValue)
public object AfterReceiveRequest(ref System.ServiceModel.Channels.Message request, System.ServiceModel.IClientChannel channel, System.ServiceModel.InstanceContext instanceContext)
if (request.Properties.ContainsKey("UriTemplateMatchResults") && HttpContext.Current != null)
//get match for current request
UriTemplateMatch match = (UriTemplateMatch)request.Properties["UriTemplateMatchResults"];
Utils.ODataBasicUriParser uriParser = new Utils.ODataBasicUriParser(match.RequestUri.PathAndQuery);
//verify if this is a SecondaryKey request
if (uriParser.IsEntityQuery && uriParser.IsSecondaryKeyQuery)
//TODO this syntax is also used for entities with multiple pk's, test it
//get a new data context
//TODO see if this can be improved, avoid two datacontext for one request
DataContext ctx = new DataContext();
Type outType;
//get entity type name from the service name
string entityName = DataContext.GetEntityNameByServiceName(uriParser.EntityServiceName);
//get the pk for the entity
string id = ctx.GetEntityId(entityName, uriParser.EntityKey, uriParser.EntityId, out outType);
//verify if the pk has been found or cancel this to continue with standart request process
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(id))
Trace.TraceWarning(string.Format("Key property not found for the the entity:{0}, with secondaryKeyName:{1} and secondaryKeyValue:{2}",
entityName, uriParser.EntityKey, uriParser.EntityId));
return System.Net.HttpStatusCode.NotFound;
//in odata syntax quotes are required for string values, nothing for numbers
string quote = outType.FullName == typeof(Int32).FullName || outType.FullName == typeof(Int64).FullName ? string.Empty : "'";
//build the new standart resource uri with the primary key
var newUri = new Uri(string.Format("{0}/{1}({2}{3}{2})", match.BaseUri.ToString(), uriParser.EntityServiceName, quote, id));
//create a new match to replace in the current request, with the new Uri
UriTemplateMatch newMatch = NewMatch(match, newUri);
//set request values
request.Properties["UriTemplateMatchResults"] = newMatch;
request.Headers.To = newUri;
request.Properties.Via = newUri;
return null;
UriTemplateMatch NewMatch(UriTemplateMatch match, Uri newUri)
UriTemplateMatch newMatch = new UriTemplateMatch();
newMatch.RequestUri = newUri;
newMatch.Data = match.Data;
newMatch.BaseUri = match.BaseUri;
return newMatch;
works for my current needs