I have the following route :
@resource 'groups', {path: 'events/:event_id/groups'}, ->
@route 'new'
In my new route, in order to build a new App.Group object, I need to know which is the event we're in.
So I have the following route, which corresponds to the resource :
App.GroupsRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: (params) ->
App.Event.find params.event_id
And the one which corresponds to the route :
App.GroupsNewRoute = Ember.Route.extend
model: ->
App.store.createRecord App.Group
I would need to specify the group's event when creating it. However, in the GroupsNewRoute, I don't seem to be able to retrieve the event. The params don't include event_id
How can I get the model from a parent resource in a route ?
There are a few different issues here:
You should not use App.store
. The store should be available on routes as this.get('store')
I'm not sure why you're naming your route GroupsRoute
. Since it represents an event, you should name it EventRoute
. This is not required, but it would be more idiomatic. Also, you don't need to specify the model for GroupsRoute
. What you are doing is the default behavior.
Finally, you can get the model for another route via: this.modelFor('groups')
in your route. That should solve your issue here.