I need to be able to get the context of the button that was clicked on a jQuery dialog.
I have a function that auto creates a dialog with a button name array I pass it. The function looks like this.
function setAutoDialog(buttonNameArray){
var testArray = buttonNameArray;
var passDataBack = function () {
var test = $('.getButtonClicked').text(); // NEED THE TEXT FROM THE BUTTON THAT WAS CLICKED HERE
var myButtons = {};
for(var i=0; i<testArray.length; i++){
myButtons[testArray[i]] = passDataBack;
autoOpen: false,
dialogClass: 'autoDialog',
width: 'auto',
buttons : myButtons
I am not sure what selector I need to use to get the value of the button that was clicked on the dialog. For example, if you have a button named "Cancel", when I click "Cancel" I need to get that text and perform operations on said text. (Pass it back to main screen)
Figured it out.
On your handler, pass the click event into the function. Like so.
$('#button1').live('click', function () {
setAutoDialog(buttonArray, $(this));
$( "#autoDialog" ).dialog("open");
Then in your function reference the event and get the textContent from the target.
function setAutoDialog(buttonNameArray, clickEvent){
var testArray = buttonNameArray;
var passDataBack = function (clickEvent) {
var t2 = clickEvent.target.textContent;
var myButtons = {};
for(var i=0; i<testArray.length; i++){
myButtons[testArray[i]] = passDataBack;
autoOpen: false,
dialogClass: 'autoDialog',
width: 'auto',
buttons : myButtons