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How to get extjs grid cell component

I want to get grid's cell and fire cellclick event on it programmatically. How can I implement it?So far I am successful to get cell's dom element like this

var cell = pos.view.getCellByPosition(newPos);

but when I execute the following code


it gives me error because its not Ext Component. Is there any way to get Ext Component from Dom Element. Dom element has an ID but when I use Ext.getCmp(; it returns nothing.


  • The cellclick event is actually fired from the underlying View, not the cell itself.

    So try to fire the following event:


    You should fill the missing params, as cellclick should deliver the following:

    cellclick( Ext.view.Table this, HTMLElement td, Number cellIndex,
      record, HTMLElement tr, Number rowIndex,
               Ext.EventObject e, Object eOpts )