I'm trying to get music to play on my app but I've hit a problem which I can't figure out. When I first load the program, it works fine and the music loads and plays. If I let the phone idle and then come back to it, the app works again. But the third time I let it idle and return, the mediaplayer will return a null and crash the app on resuming. Here is the code for the mediaplayer:
public void startMusic(Context context)
if (music != null){
if (music.isPlaying()){
music = null;
music = MediaPlayer.create(context, R.raw.song);
musicPlaying = true;
The app will crash when it hits the music.setLooping(true);
line of code, saying that music is null.
Any ideas?
It turns out I was releasing the music in the wrong place. I was doing it in the view, when I should have been doing it in the activity.