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counting the number of characters in a line of C

Possible Duplicate:
memcpy and malloc to print out a string

I need to find the number of characters in a line of a text file after a '=' sign until the end of the line or the '#' symbol. I then need to work backwards till I reach the first non blankspace and use memcpy to print out the string.

Example: if the line said: myprop=this is a sentence #value, I need it to print out :"this is a sentence". here is the code after I open the file and malloc it.

while(fgets(buffer, 1024, fp) != NULL)
 if((strstr(buffer, propkey)) != NULL)
  for (

   //need help here

  memcpy(value, buffer + 7, 7);  //the 7 represents the # of characters till the equal sign
  printf("\nvalue is '%s'\n", value);


  • You find the '=' via strchr().

    Loop from there until you hit either '\0' or '#'. Count the loops. Inside the loop, check for first non-blankspace (isspace()), and keep in mind (i.e., a variable) where you found it.

    After the loop, you have all the information you need: Copy (starting from remembered position of first non-blank) a number of bytes equal ( number of loops - position of first non-blank ).

    That being said, once you're out of tutorial / C in 21 days country, you should really use ready-made libraries for stuff like this..