Using the alfresco REST api, I've been able to query for usergroups and users, and been able to get users that are children of a specific group.
However, I now need to do the opposite; to know all the usergroup memberships of a certain user. I can't seem to find a webscript, or any other way to do it.
For implementation convenience, I'd rather not write a custom webscript, apart from not being familiar with how to do so.
Project setup
I'm programming in GWT/GXT, using Apache's openCMIS and calls to the RESTful api for alfresco.
I can load all the groups into alfresco, and then check every group's children for my user, but that doesn't seem the way to go since this functionality will be fired fairly often, and must be able to run smoothly on large implementation environments.
try calling /alfresco/service/api/people/{user}?groups=true