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2d array of struct -- malloc() and free()

#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct 
  unsigned int      dataoffset;         //No of bytes before actual pixel data

typedef struct 
   unsigned int     width;
   unsigned int     height;
   unsigned short   bits_per_pixel;         //code is written for 24 bits only and No other format is supported..

typedef struct 
   unsigned char    b;
   unsigned char    g;
   unsigned char    r;        

#pragma pack(pop)

int main()
      // Var decl.
  INFO_HEADER       *pHeader = NULL;
  FILE              *pImage;
  COLORMAP          **ppColors;

/* File opened in read, binary mode, memory allocated for pHeader*/     

fread (pHeader, sizeof(INFO_HEADER), 1, pImage);  

/*Next block is actually problematic.. Posting 'as is' from my code*/
      ppColors = (COLORMAP**)malloc((pHeader -> height ) * sizeof(COLORMAP));
  for(i = 0 ; i < pHeader -> height ; i++)
     ppColors[i] = (COLORMAP*)malloc(pHeader -> width * sizeof(COLORMAP));
fseek(pImage, pHeader -> fileheader.dataoffset, SEEK_SET);
    for (i = 0 ; i < pHeader -> width ; i++) 
      for (j = 0 ; j < pHeader -> height ; j++) 
          fread(&b, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, pImage);
          fread(&g, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, pImage);
          fread(&r, sizeof(unsigned char), 1, pImage);

          ppColors[i][j].b = b;
          ppColors[i][j].g = g;
          ppColors[i][j].r = r; 

          printf("width = %d height = %d %d:\t", i, j,  cnt);
          printf("%d ", (int)ppColors[i][j].b);
          printf("%d ", (int)ppColors[i][j].g);
          printf("%d\n", (int)ppColors[i][j].r);

  /*And at last free()ing..*/
  for(i = 0 ; i < pHeader -> height ; i++)        free(ppColors[i]);

Possible Duplicate:

Though above link could not solve my problems.

  1. I run out of memory. I have malloc()ed for height, then for each of the height, width is again malloc()ed. I am trying to work on width X height domain only. It seems that problem is with height. If you change

ppColors = (COLORMAP**)malloc((pHeader -> height ) * sizeof(COLORMAP)); to ppColors = (COLORMAP**)malloc((pHeader -> height + 6 ) * sizeof(COLORMAP));

Then this problem disappears.

  1. But then at the time of free()ing I get double free / corruption at core dump.

I am damn sure I am going wrong somewhere. I do not expect someone to correct my code and I just run it. Just hints would do.


  • I can see a couple of problems:

    • ppColors is an array of pointers. Each element in the array is a COLORMAP* so you need to calculate the size to be malloced using numElements * sizeof(COLORMAP*). COLORMAP is just 3 chars so its likely that sizeof(COLORMAP*) > sizeof(COLORMAP). Your current allocation will be too small so you'll end up writing beyond the end of the array; this has undefined effects but is likely to crash.
    • use of width & height are reversed between allocations and loops so you'll end up writing to unallocated memory at some point in your loops.