I'm attempting to stop users being able to refresh the page using 'F5', but only when the Thickbox is shown.
Trouble is, after I switch between pages in the Thickbox, my check below to see if the Thickbox is visible always returns false -
var bol_thickbox_shown = ($('#TB_window').is(':visible')) ? true : false;
I assume this is to do with the way in which the page is loaded (probably an AJAX call), but I don't know how to accout for that when checking if the Thickbox is visible. Can anybody please help? Thanks.
Here is my full code -
* Prevent F5 from refreshing the page if the Thickbox is shown
document.onkeydown = function(e){
/** Check to see if the Thickbox is being shown */
var bol_thickbox_shown = ($('#TB_window').is(':visible')) ? true : false;
console.log('bol_thickbox_shown: '+bol_thickbox_shown);
if(bol_thickbox_shown && e.keyCode === 116){ // F5 keycode is 116
e.returnValue = false; // for IE
You could trigger the var bol_thickbox_shown
outside this function and set it to true when the thickbox open and to false if they where closed.
for example:
var bol_thickbox_shown = false;
/* hook this bol_thickbox_shown true/false
to wherever you fire the Thickbox */
document.onkeydown = function(e){
console.log('bol_thickbox_shown: '+bol_thickbox_shown);
if(bol_thickbox_shown && e.keyCode === 116){ // F5 keycode is 116
e.returnValue = false; // for IE
and even you don't like this solution you could optimize the following line:
var bol_thickbox_shown = ($('#TB_window').is(':visible')) ? true : false;
var bol_thickbox_shown = $('#TB_window').is(':visible');