I am developing a pdf report using DynamicJasper API.
As per requirement I have to display one logo at header and other at footer. I am able to display logo at header by using DynamicReportBuilder.addImageBanner method. But i didn't find a way to add an image at footer.
I saw some threads regarding this issue in dynamic-jasper forum , the one work around which mentioned there is to create a jrxml template with pageFooter band.
I tried this, but didn't work out. I got following exception:
org.xml.sax.SAXParseException: The processing instruction target matching "[xX][mM][lL]" is not allowed
Following is the code which generate report.
// ...
DynamicReport dynamicReport = buildDynamicReport(reportTemplate, grpFields);
// build jrxml <br/>
JasperPrint jasperPrint = buildJRXML(dynamicReport, dataSource, reportFormat);
// export the report into specific target format <br/>
exportReport(jasperPrint, targetReportFile, reportFormat);
// ...
private DynamicReport buildDynamicReport(Template reportTemplate,
Vector<String[]> groupFields) throws ServiceException {
/** code to generate DynamicReport object. */
DynamicReport dynamicReport = dynamicReportBuilder.build();
return dynamicReport;
Any help would be appreciate.
Since the dynamicjasper's ClassicLayoutManager class applies all image banners to only header band by default, there does not seem to be a straight forward way of achieving this.
One workaround is to use a custom layout manager implementation - extending ClassicLayoutManager and overriding the applyBanners() method.
public class CustomLayoutManager extends ClassicLayoutManager {
protected void applyBanners() {
super.applyBanners(); //let the ClassicLayoutManager apply header banners
// explicitly add banner to footer band..
JRDesignBand pageFooter = (JRDesignBand)getDesign().getPageFooter();
// if there is no footer band we create one
if(pageFooter == null) {
pageFooter = new JRDesignBand();
Vector<ImageBanner> vImageBanner = new Vector<ImageBanner>();
vImageBanner.add(new ImageBanner("yourlogoimage.ext", 120, 50, ImageBanner.ALIGN_LEFT));
applyImageBannersToBand(pageFooter, vImageBanner, null);
and then use the custom class in while generating the report..
JasperPrint jasperPrint = DynamicJasperHelper.generateJasperPrint(dynamicReport, new CustomLayoutManager(), parameters);