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deactivate Excel VBA userform

I am having some macro in Excel vba and in that I am performing some functions on the excel sheets which takes around 30 seconds to complete. So I want to show a user form with a progress bar during that span of time.

I tried using in very start of the function and userform.hide at the end but I found that No action can be performed in background.

So just want to know if there is any turn around to let the processing be done in the background while the form is being displayed.

Many thanks :)

Private Sub CommandButton1_Click()
    '--------------Initialize the global variables----------------


    nameOfSheet2 = "Resource Level view"
    nameOfSheet3 = "Billable Hours"
    nameOfSheet4 = "Utilization"
    Dim lastRow, projectTime, nonProjectTime, leaveAndOther
    Dim loopCounter, resourceCounter
    lastRow = 0
    projectTime = 0
    nonProjectTime = 0
    leaveAndOther = 0
    resourceCounter = 2
    Set workbook1 = Workbooks.Open(File1.Value)

End Sub


  • The usage of Progress Bar is to show the progress of currently running code. And I wouldn't know if anyone want to do anything with the sheet while the code is running...

    Anyway if you want to interact with the sheet while Form is displaying you may try to add the following code:

     UserForm.Show vbvModeless

    And to update a Modeless form you must add DoEvents within your subroutine.

    When you want to close the form at the end, do this:


    Here is what I would do:

    Click a button to run your macro

    Private Sub Button1_Click()
       Call vbMmodeless
    End Sub
    Private Sub UserForm_activate()
        Call Main '-- your macro name
    End Sub 
    Sub Main()
    '-- your code
    DoEvents '-- to update the form *** important
    End Sub

    After OP showed his code:

    Why do we need a progress bar?

    When macros take a long time to run, people get nervous. Did it crash? How much longer will it take? Do I have time to run to the bathroom? Relax...