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Go to a specific line and read the next few in Python

I have this huge (61GB) FASTQ file of which I want to create a random subset, but which I cannot load into memory. The problem with FASTQs is that every four lines belong together, otherwise I would just create a list of random integers and only write the lines at these integers to my subset file.

So far, I have this:

import random
num = []    
while len(num) < 50000000:
    ran = random.randint(0,27000000)
    if (ran%4 == 0) and (ran not in num):
num = sorted(num)

fastq = open("all.fastq", "r", 4)
subset = open("sub.fastq", "w")
for i,line in enumerate(fastq):
    for ran in num:
        if ran == i:

I have no idea how to reach the next three lines in the file before going to the next random integer. Can someone help me?


  • You could try this:

    import random
    num = sorted([random.randint(0,27000000/4)*4 for i in range(50000000/4)])
    lines_to_write = 0
    with open("all.fastq", "r") as fastq:
        with open("sub.fastq", "w") as subset:
            for i,line in enumerate(fastq):
                if len(num)==0:
                if i == num[0]:
                    lines_to_write = 4
                if lines_to_write>0:
                    lines_to_write -= 1