I could use Refactor->Inine
when I need to inline a method.
This the code skeleton that I tried, I used the code in this post - Is there any eclipse refactoring API that I can call programmatically?.
// 1. Get ICompiationUnit for type "smcho.Hello"
IWorkspaceRoot root = ResourcesPlugin.getWorkspace().getRoot();
IProject project = root.getProject("Hello");
project.open(null /* IProgressMonitor */);
IJavaProject javaProject = JavaCore.create(project);
IType itype = javaProject.findType("smcho.Hello");
org.eclipse.jdt.core.ICompilationUnit icu = itype.getCompilationUnit();
// 2. Contribution and Description creation
RefactoringContribution contribution = RefactoringCore.getRefactoringContribution(IJavaRefactorings.INLINE_METHOD);
InlineMethodDescriptor descriptor = (InlineMethodDescriptor) contribution.createDescriptor();
descriptor.setProject(icu.getResource().getProject().getName( ));
// 3. executing the refactoring
RefactoringStatus status = new RefactoringStatus();
try {
Refactoring refactoring = descriptor.createRefactoring(status);
IProgressMonitor monitor = new NullProgressMonitor();
Change change = refactoring.createChange(monitor);
} catch (CoreException e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
} catch (Exception e) {
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
When I execute the code, I got this error
org.eclipse.core.runtime.CoreException: The refactoring script argument 'input' is missing
in the refactoring script.
I think I need to give the refactored method name to the API. What might be wrong in the code?
This is the code that works with inline refactoring JDT API. It requires start position and length to be inlined.
int[] selection= {start, length}; // getSelection();
InlineMethodRefactoring refactoring= InlineMethodRefactoring.create(this.icu, new RefactoringASTParser(ASTProvider.SHARED_AST_LEVEL).parse(this.icu, true), selection[0], selection[1]);
refactoring.setCurrentMode(Mode.INLINE_ALL); // or INLINE SINGLE based on the user's intervention
IProgressMonitor pm= new NullProgressMonitor();
RefactoringStatus res = refactoring.checkInitialConditions(pm);
res = refactoring.checkFinalConditions(pm);
final PerformRefactoringOperation op= new PerformRefactoringOperation(
refactoring, getCheckingStyle());
op.run(new NullProgressMonitor());
When you know the name of the method that is going to be inlined, you can use the code in - Getting startPosition and length of a method invocation using JDT