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Using android-color-picker in a fragment?

I am fairly new to android development and want to use the Android-Color_picker "AmbilWarna" inside a fragment. I am getting the error:

The constructor AmbilWarnaDialog(HomeFragment, int, new OnAmbilWarnaListener(){}) is undefined.

Is this because I am using a Fragment instead of a Fragment activity The tutorial I was using uses an Activity.

I am using the following tutorial:

public class HomeFragment extends SherlockFragment implements TabListener {

private View homeView;

public View onCreateView(LayoutInflater inflater, final ViewGroup container,
        Bundle savedInstanceState) {

    homeView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.homefragment, container, false);

    Button sColorBtn = (Button) homeView.findViewById(;
    OnClickListener clickListener = new OnClickListener() {

        public void onClick(View v) {

    // Setting click event listener for the button
    return sColorBtn;

public void colorpicker() {
    //     initialColor is the initially-selected color to be shown in the rectangle on the left of the arrow.
    //     for example, 0xff000000 is black, 0xff0000ff is blue. Please be aware of the initial 0xff which is the alpha.

    AmbilWarnaDialog dialog = new AmbilWarnaDialog(this, 0xff0000ff, new OnAmbilWarnaListener() {

        // Executes, when user click Cancel button
        public void onCancel(AmbilWarnaDialog dialog){

        // Executes, when user click OK button
        public void onOk(AmbilWarnaDialog dialog, int color) {
            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Selected Color : " + color, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();


  • Use this:

    AmbilWarnaDialog dialog = new AmbilWarnaDialog(getActivity().getApplicationContext(), 0xff0000ff, new OnAmbilWarnaListener() {
        // Executes, when user click Cancel button
        public void onCancel(AmbilWarnaDialog dialog){
        // Executes, when user click OK button
        public void onOk(AmbilWarnaDialog dialog, int color) {
            Toast.makeText(getBaseContext(), "Selected Color : " + color, Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show();

    So you have to use getActivity().getApplicationContext() instead of this. It will return with the Context.